On Saturday, I saw two cars slow, and then drive off, obviously caring not to stop. According to those who actually walked around, the rear shade garden was a treat, so not stopping was their loss. (Sticks out tongue, shakes finger.) Sunday was the slower of the two days, thought by early afternoon the pace of visitors quickened.
Most were complementary (really: can you be anything but?!), which only amplified the silence of three individuals. Perhaps small city gardens are not of their taste. Perhaps the fact that my garden was situated in the same quadrant as the Museum District and the Highlands (noted for their stunningly gorgeous mini-mansions--NOT McMansions, as these are stately old homes--and mature gardens) made mine seem paltry in comparison. Perhaps they were simply tired of walking or driving around town looking for all of the other gardens in the contest tour.
Regardless, two particular types of comments resonated.
The first concerned the Buddhas. Everyone loved the Buddha brothers, and many a camera clicked away.
But one comment stands out above all others: "yours is the New York City of gardens."
But I love New York. In my estimation, it was the highest compliment--and the woman who iterated it meant it as such, uttering it immediately upon entering the rear shade garden.
And she instantly understood me as a gardener and my garden, a morphology constructed around a locution of foliage of varying texture, shape, size, and color, and flowers assigned various diacritic and punctuation roles.
A babble of languages!
A phantasmagoria of visual, aural, cultural, and intellectual stimulation!
And a freedom and an exuberance to call my own.
Good god, man...the garden is looking AMAZING. Really has come along!