Take The Best Little Whorehouse in Texas Broadway production, for example. It ran for 1,584 performances. So successful it was that Universal Pictures adapted it for an eponymous film starring Dolly Parton and Burt Reynolds, with supporting roles by Jim Nabors and Dom DeLuise. But films take license, and if in the stage production Sheriff Ed Earl and Miss Mona had a one-night stand, the on-screen version placed them in an ongoing affair.
Ah, yes. Sex in all its guises, licit and illicit, vanilla or more "exotically" flavored, stimulates all kinds of attention.
And so we contemporize the story and situate it, like any good plot, in a variety of contexts across time. It seems we have a quaint little whorehouse right here in Delaware.
In Wilmington.
At 410.
Really, people, don;t be too surprised. After all, I've already admitted my--how shall we say?--"easiness." And we've already encountered certain "characters" in the whorehouse, er, I mean garden, such as Corydalis who add a generous dose of cavalier sexuality to the garden.
But every good whorehouse needs, I presume, a really good madame, and I have (inadvertently?) assumed that role. Yet to be exact about it, I think Viet is the madame and I the Burt Reynolds husky sheriff who frequents said establishment. After all, he instructs me on how much money to bring (last year, $100, this year, an undisclosed amount though in the end I exceeded my allowance as any self-respecting gigolo would do being confronted by such....um....seducing beauties). Just sayin'....
In any case, this whorehouse just got larger. For the sun garden:
A new double red "Benjamin Franklin" Peony (again, what's with the freakish or cutesy or seemingly irrelevant names?!) to complement last year's find of a double white Chinese Solange peony; and a (white flowering) Carolina Moonlight Baptisia (False Indigo);
and for the shade garden:
a ghost fern; dwarf Crested Iris, Tiarella Dark Star "Foam Flower," and Hosta elegans for the in-progress blue and white bed; a ghost fern; and Kirengeshoma palmata "Yellow Waxbells."
What orgasmic finds!
You are hilarious and I love you!